Recent Projects Portfolio

Explore my latest achievements and innovations in my Recent Projects Portfolio.
Includes personal as well as code along projects

Tic-Tac-Toe Game

This is a simple Tic-Tac-Toe game developed using ReactJS, demonstrating my proficiency in building interactive web applications. The app is structured with reusable React components, ensuring a clean and efficient code base. The user interface is crafted with HTML. This project highlights my skills in modern web development and component-based architecture.

Code Along

Project Management App

A user-friendly project management web application developed using ReactJS. This app enables users to create projects and add tasks efficiently, providing an organized way to manage both projects and everyday to-do lists. The application leverages the power of ReactJS components and HTML to deliver an excellent user experience.

Code Along

Steak House Website

The Steak House website is a fully responsive and visually engaging showcase for a fictitious steak house. Developed exclusively using HTML and Bootstrap, this project highlights my ability to create a seamless user experience with clean, efficient code. The site features an elegant design that adapts beautifully to any device, ensuring an optimal browsing experience for both desktop and mobile users.

Solo Developed

Drone Photography Website

The Drone Photography website is a sleek, modern showcase for a fictitious drone photography company, highlighting my skills in HTML and Bootstrap. The site delivers an excellent user experience with a responsive design that adapts seamlessly to all devices.

Code Along

School Program Website

I designed and developed a responsive website to highlight a specific program offered by Bridgerland Technical College, utilizing only HTML and CSS. This project is a testament to my ability to create visually appealing and functional web pages with a focus on clean, semantic code.

Code Along

Place Share

I developed a sophisticated web application using the MERN stack, showcasing my abilities using MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, and NodeJS. This advanced platform enables users to create personalized accounts, log in securely, and share their travel experiences by posting about places they have visited. The application leverages MongoDB for efficient data storage and retrieval, NodeJS and ExpressJS for the robust server-side infrastructure, and ReactJS for a dynamic and responsive user interface.

Code Along

Investment Calculator

An intuitive Investment Calculator website using developed using ReactJS, designed to provide users with a seamless experience in predicting the future growth of their investments. The app leverages the power of ReactJS components to create a dynamic and responsive interface, ensuring an excellent user experience. Users can input various parameters such as initial investment amount, interest rate, and investment duration to calculate potential returns.

Code Along

Clothing Store

I built a dynamic and interactive e-commerce website for a fictitious clothing store using ReactJS, HTML, and CSS. This project showcases my ability to create a fully functional online shopping experience.

Code Along

Increment Counter

Simple yet functional increment and decrement counter developed using ReactJS, HTML, and CSS. This project demonstrates my proficiency in ReactJS, showcasing my ability to create interactive and dynamic web applications. The counter allows users to increase or decrease the count value through intuitive buttons, providing real-time feedback and updating the display accordingly.

Code Along

React Quiz

Using ReactJS, HTML, and CSS, I developed an interactive platform where users can test their knowledge of ReactJS terminology and vocabulary. This project not only honed my technical skills in front end development but also strengthened my ability to create engaging and educational web experiences.

Code Along

Time Game

A dynamic web game called Guess the Timer, aimed at enhancing my skills in front end development and ReactJS programming. This project allows users to start a timer and attempt to guess precisely when it will reach a specified number of seconds. The game provides immediate feedback, indicating whether users successfully hit their target time or not.

Code Along

Vacation Wish List

A dynamic and user-friendly Vacation Wish list website developed using ReactJS, HTML, and CSS. This website is designed to help users discover their next vacation destination. Upon visiting the site, users are prompted to allow location sharing. The website then retrieves their location data and generates personalized travel recommendations. These recommendations are intelligently sorted, presenting the closest destinations first and gradually listing those farther away.

Code Along

React Essentials

This website is an educational project built using ReactJS, HTML, and CSS. It is designed to showcase the fundamental building blocks of ReactJS and the essential concepts that every React developer should know. The site includes interactive examples and detailed explanations of key React features such as components, props, state management.

Code Along

React Art Login Page

Sleek and modern dummy login page using ReactJS, HTML, and CSS. This website serves as a demonstration of my ability to create professional-looking user interfaces with seamless functionality. The design is clean and intuitive, providing users with options to either sign in or create a new account.

Code Along

Bank Website

This fictitious bank website showcases the extensive features and positive customer testimonials of an imaginary financial institution. The site is designed to be user-friendly, visually appealing, and informative, providing potential customers with a comprehensive overview of the bank’s offerings and the high level of satisfaction experienced by current clients.

Code Along

Stop Watch ReactJS

This project showcases a sleek stopwatch website, crafted with ReactJS, HTML, and CSS, designed for simplicity and functionality. The stopwatch allows users to set a specific amount of time and provides the flexibility to pause the timer as needed.

Code Along

Stop Watch C++

I developed a software application using C++ which functions as a simple and effective stopwatch. When the application is executed, the user is prompted to enter the desired amount of minutes and seconds for the timer. Once the input is provided, the application starts the stopwatch and begins counting down. When the countdown reaches zero, the application stops and displays a “Timer Done” message to the user.

Solo Project

Guess My Number

An engaging “Guess My Number” game website using ReactJS, HTML, and CSS. This interactive game challenges users to guess a randomly generated number between 1 and 20. As users make guesses, the game provides real-time feedback, indicating whether the guessed number is too high or too low. The objective is to guess the correct number in the fewest attempts possible. Each game session tracks the number of tries, awarding a score based on performance.

Code Along

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